Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Enough - a Devotional by Rhonda Brown Stone

A few weeks ago, the following devotional, written my our daughter Rhonda was published in the online edition of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine. http://www.theoldschoolhouse.com
I believe it is worth sharing here.


Proud Dad

By Rhonda Brown Stone, Winchester, KY

Recently I was asked to do something in church that I really, really hate to do - speak in front of the congregation. My family and friends can tell you how much it terrifies me to speak in front of a crowd. It immediately changes me into the town idiot! But that Sunday was a little different situation in that it was not my thoughts, words, or ideas that would be heard, weighed, and judged, but someone else's thoughts, words, and ideas. This only made things worse because I could make two people look bad at once!

Let me explain. My family and I have become friends with a Deaf pastor. That weekend he had driven several hours to visit the Deaf in our church just to get to know them some. When our pastor asked if he would share in our Sunday morning worship service to let our congregation know of any prayer needs he had in his ministry, I thought it was a wonderful idea. That is, until I realized he would need a voice interpreter for the hearing people to know what he was saying. This meant someone familiar with how he signs would need to voice, and they thought I was the woman for the job. I was absolutely and positively sure I was not. There are times I can't understand him when we are just talking in the living room, much less under pressure before nearly 800 people. What's more, I knew I would need to use a microphone - that alone nearly sent me packing. But he and his wife were so encouraging and really believed I could do it. (Did I hear someone whispering, "blind faith?" Oh, that sounded like my voice.)

All Saturday night I prayed and sweated. Come Sunday morning I was ready for church before anyone else, so I sat down with my Bible for some comfort and reassurance. I turned to Proverbs 21, but it wasn't until the last verse that my comfort came. The verse was underlined with a bright pink highlighter. I don't remember ever doing that, but there it was nevertheless.

The verse read:

"The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but the victory rests with the Lord."

I felt God patiently and lovingly but firmly saying, "You're the horse." Just what every woman wants to hear, right? Yet, just what I needed to hear. I had done all I could to prepare in my own power. OK, granted, sweating may not be effective preparation, but I had prayed. I had been working very hard to learn sign language. I had developed a relationship with the Deaf pastor and his family. I had done all I could do and even though I didn't feel I had done enough, God was saying the victory rested with Himself. What a Word! I don't need to tell you how things came about: what God promises, He performs! The congregation was able to "hear" his heart through my voice. The message came forth clear and true, for which I say, "Glory to God!"

Why tell this story? Many, many times in my homeschooling experience I have felt, well, terrified. I've kicked (not literally, but spiritually) and screamed (spiritually and sometimes literally, I'm ashamed to say). I've cried, prayed, and sweated knowing what a great responsibility it is to educate our children! A privilege, yes. A joy, yes. But sometimes that does not ease the weight of responsibility that can bear down on me at times. But my God is faithful! What He calls me to do, He Himself equips me to do, AND THE VICTORY RESTS WITH HIM! My job is to be like the horse. Ready. Prepared. Following the direction of my Master.

"... being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you [me, my
children, my family] will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ
Jesus." Philippians 1:6

So, when you feel overwhelmed with the task of homeschooling, fearful of the outcome, not confident in your abilities or feel you just flat out haven't done enough, I would say to you:

"Yes, make yourself ready for the day of battle - but know this: You are just the horse. The victory rests with the Lord."

Editor's Note: Would you like to see your devotion highlighted here and on our website? Send your devotional submissions for review to devotions@TheHomeschoolMagazine.com For more encouraging devotions written by you, our readers, visit our website's Devotional Door here: http://www.thehomeschoolmagazine.com/Devotional_Door/


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonderful article. Makes me a very proud aunt, of couse I already was.

12:43 PM  

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